A license is exactly that, a license to the public to use your work as licensed, so it governs the terms under which other people can use your work. What you do with it is your own choice, because you don't need to grant yourself a license to use your own material. You can change things, relicense them, or whatever you like, other than changing the terms of a prior release. That version was offered effectively perpetually under those terms.
You can also create a derivative work with the same type of license. 8.CC BY-NC-ND-SA. You can use, share, and modify a work by giving credit to the original creator and also admit to not sell that work or any modified version for the same reason. You also can't distribute your work with the same license. 9.CC0-LICENSE-BY. This license means t the use of work is by the original creator and without any modifications. It would be similar to the CC BY License. 10.CC0-LICENSE-BY-ND. This license means the use of work is by the original creator and with modifications and release the same under terms of this license as well. What are the benefits of CC license? The main benefits of CC licenses are that the work is licensed according to the rights of the original creator, the work is available for free, and t the work can be used, distribute,.