Sen. Warren is a shrieking harridan on most of her positions. Her contempt for the Constitution is frightening. However, she might be right about private prisons.
Private prisons are being used as a way for states to increase their prison population. This is because many of the states have passed laws which allow them to reduce and eventually eliminate their use of private prisons entirely. The purposes of prison, as originally conceived by Thomas Jefferson, was to punish criminals. If your goal were simply to punish criminals, we don't live in such a criminal-coddled political climate. So, should we eliminate all prisons? No, no! T o look at this as a question of priorities, we need to look at the fact that there are millions of people in this country who will never see the inside of a prison. And I would argue that this is a small price to pay to avoid the kind of overcrowding we have seen in some states. They work. The private prison industry is not a legitimate business, because.