I have used hyperlinks to files that you download and are not opened for view at the web server. This depends in part on upon extension of the file. This method is hard to control at your end. It is difficult to predict how a client will load or accept a file of any type. This can be configured at browser end, too. (Or some file types even blocked at firewall.) SEPARATION OF FILE TYPE LOCATION You might want to structure your web host account to keep your files & web pages separate. (Otherwise, your files go under a files directory at your home directory.) CONSIDER FTP FILE STORAGE & ACCESS First let me introduce you to FTP. This lesson shows you how to get FTP and use it with your website. How to Use FTP. FTP is a type of Internet file service where files are stored for upload and access. You web host will have FTP. First, please get to know how FTP works. View your web host cPanel to find FTP services. Once you have FTP set up you can create hyperlinks to access your FTP stored files. This keeps these public files separate from your web content which may have secure files and data. (If you have paid web content, you can keep those safe, too.) ftp.//ftp.[yoursite].com/ This might mean stepping back and setting up something first to keep the files you want to be seen separate from the files & directories you donât want to be seen publicly.
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