Unless you do it online, it really helps if you have the right software, especially if itâs confidential information. With Extract Pdf Pages Pro there is an option on the menu to rotate pages. You can be very specific about which pages to rotate. There are also additional ways to rotate PDF pages. Here is a link to a site with some free alternatives. Top 5 Best Software to Rotate PDF for Free
Download PDF Pages Pro Download PDF Pages Pro Rotate PDF using Images The easiest way to rotate PDF in OS X is with images. I used images to rotate all of these pages because it is quick, and there is no need to download and save images if you don't need them. Rotate All Pages at Once Using Images Here you can do a rotation all at once. But you are not limited to just one page. For your convenience I've generated a list of images you can use (or search in the Library), I recommend using an image of someone you know or have seen. To convert pages to images use this app. Download Page Rotations with Images Download Page Rotations with Images Rotate PDF using Pages Another method is to use pages, and then rotate pages when you have the PDF pages out of view. Here is a link to a.